December 6, 2011

The Dating Game

Since my breakup over two months ago, I've been slowly testing the waters of the dating-verse. I have never really "dated", and have certainly not had a lot of flirty interactions in the past 3+ years I was in a relationship. I ended up joining a couple of online dating sites, not really to meet anyone, just to get an idea of what was out there. My workplace is generally older, and I don't have a ton of single friends, so online is really the only way I feel that I will meet people. I haven't struck gold yet. Far from it, actually. I've chatted with a few guys and been on a couple dates, but with each disappointment I feel more and more discouraged that I'm destined to be a crazy cat lady. I don't even like cats, but who else is going to keep me company in my old age?!

In all seriousness, for someone who is awkward as all get-out around members of the opposite sex, and has spent most of her life feeling like Josie Grossie (if you don't get that reference, we can't be friends anymore), wading the online dating pool has taught me a few things I didn't know about myself. But I'm still learning, and still dating. One of these days I might cancel my memberships, but right now I'm loving the self-growth. (Not really loving the awkward encounters, though. Not so much.)

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